Consulting Services, Inc.
who was invited to teach
valuation in Thailand
in March 2002, a program sponsored by
USAID and Agency
for Real Estate Affairs |
Economic Background
the mid-1980s, Thailand's economy began to
grow rapidly and the country experienced
a real gross domestic product growth of more
than 8% annually. As a result of this growth,
Thailand began to liberalize its financial
system and, in 1990 removed many of its capital
controls to allow money to flow better both
inside and outside the country. In 1993,
with the creation of the Bangkok International
Banking Facilities, commercial banks were
permitted to receive deposits and borrow
money in foreign currencies and to lend funds
both nationally and internationally. As a
result of these actions, massive amounts
of currency flowed into Thailand. Much of
this new foreign investment capital was channeled
into the increasingly speculative and overvalued
real estate market.
In 1995, the Thai baht, which
was linked primarily to the U.S. dollar, started to appreciate strongly against
the dollar. However, in 1996, there were indications of a weakening Thai economy.
Thailand was importing much more than it was exporting, and the overvalued baht
and increasing labor costs resulted in Thailand losing its competitive advantage
in the world market. Although it tried, the Bank of Thailand was unsuccessful
in defending the baht.
By the summer of 1997, the financial
sector situation had become critical, and dozens of finance institutions closed.
By this time, Thailand was in serious danger of running out of reserves, and
it was clear that the currency support and other economic measures had failed.
On July 2, 1997, in response to internal and external pressures, the Bank of
Thailand decided to float the baht's exchange rate. As a result, the baht steadily
lost value. The loss in the baht's value, coupled with Thailand's weakly regulated
corporate and banking/finance sectors and the country's extremely large foreign
debt, caused growing concern about the banking system's stability.
As the baht continued to lose
value against the U.S. dollar, Thailand's capital and foreign-exchange markets
eventually collapsed, and more than half of the country's financial institutions
became insolvent. The effect that this had on the business sector was devastating,
and many businesses also became insolvent and defaulted on their debts. Consumers
were confronted with rapidly increasing interest rates. Thailand continued its
downward economic spiral. As a result, by late 1997 and into 1998, the real estate
boom had ended with a plunge in real estate prices and values.
The reasons for the collapse
were many and varied: weak public institutions, inadequately monitored financial
and corporate sectors, capital borrowing in foreign currencies while revenues
were generated in the baht, capital borrowing on a short-term basis to finance
long-term projects, linking the baht's value (B25 to US$1) with debt repayment
in U.S. dollars, and a poorly developed and inadequately implemented baht-devaluation
plan. Because the economic crisis related specifically to the real estate market,
financial institutions had entered into far too many loan arrangements with both
undercollateralized loans and undercapitalized projects.
The Current State of
Thailand's Valuation Profession
At the time of the savings and
loan crisis, valuers in Thailand, similar to in Thailand, similar to in the United
States during the 1980s, were starting to face greater public scrutiny. While
the valuers could hardly be blamed for the economic collapse, questions were
being asked about their profession-including question about public confidence
in both the product and in the valuers' ethics, the valuers' education levels,
the availability and reliability of data, and finally, valuation standards.
Public Confidence
While there is truth in statement
that there is a lack of public confidence in the product and, in some cases,
even in the valuers' ethics, both the Valuers Association of Thailand (hereafter "Valuers
Association") and the similarly named Thai Valuation Association (hereafter "Thai
Valuation") have codes or statements of ethical conduct.1 Valuers
Association adopted in 1997-and currently enforces-a Code of Professional Ethics
that is observed by its certified valuers. This code includes the requirements
of "confidentiality, integrity, neutrality and contribution to the development
of the profession."2 Valuers Association
established a "Sub-committee on Valuation Standards and Ethics to strictly
enforce this [policy]."3 Sanctions
for the violation of the code could include a warning or temporary, or even permanent,
loss of Valuers Association membership.4
Thai Valuation maintains both
a Professional Standard and Ethics Sub-committee and a Standard and Ethics Offence
Appeal Sub-committee, to develop, interpret, and enforce a system of professional
Valuers' Education Levels
In the aggregate, Thai valuers
are both knowledgeable and well trained. In addition to formal training in Thailand,
many valuers have received training in ternationally.5 Valuers
and appraisers from other countries have been invited to present programs for
and discuss theory and applications with their Thai counterparts. In addition,
Thai valuers play a very important role through their activity in the Asia/Australian
valuation community, as well as thorough participation in international conferences.
Continued professional education
is also in evidence. In 2001, Valuers Association introduced a continuing professional
development (CPD) program. Since 1999, Valuers Association requires, through
the CPD program, that its members attend a minimum of 18 hours annually to maintain
their professional standing. Thai Valuation's organizational objectives include
the development, to the international level, of the Thailand's property-valuation
profession and the provision of continued professional training.
Data Availability and Reliability
While some valuers hold a contrary
view,6 most valuers believe that both
the availability and the reliability of data are inadequate. For the obtainment
of reliable data, it is more common in Thailand than in the United States to
ascertain it from sources out side government agencies-for example, through private
research, field investigations, and interviews with participants and others who
may be knowledgeable about transactions and transaction prices. Central data
sources, like those available in the United States, simply do not exist in Thailand.
In addition, it is a widely held belief that, in order to avoid taxes, reported
sale prices are below the actual transaction prices.
Uniform Standards
Thai valuers are dedicated to
the development of valuation standards that are comparable to those in other
countries and that meet the increasing internationalization of standards. Using
organizations such as the appraisal Institute (AI) and the International Valuation
Standards Committee (IVSC) as models, Thai valuers have developed definitions,
processes, and procedures that are very similar to those of these and other organizations.7
Both of Thailand's national valuers
associations have, as their stated objective, the promulgation and implementation
of property-valuation standards comparable to those of other nations. In 1997,
in its Codes of Professional Ethics and Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice,
Valuers Association established rules that mandated professional practices that
follow internationally accepted standards. One
of the outstanding evidence to its effort is its notable annual manual. The manual
lists out both the construction
costs and depreciation estimates and is widely used by the property
appraisers. This leads to the standardization in the calculation of cost approach
method (one of the 3 mostly used valuation methods).
In 2001, the Thai Appraisal Foundation
was founded as a not-for-profit educational organization, dedicated to the advancement
of professional valuation, that serves both the user of appraisal services and
all appraisal disciplines. The Foundation supports this education effort through
research and by providing current valuation information to the public. In August
2000, James R. Park, director of Research and Technical Issues of the U.S. Appraisal
Foundation, met with Thai appraisal professionals and users of appraisal services
to begin a dialogue as Thailand considers the better regulation of the appraisal
profession. The Appraisal Foundation has indicated that it intends to continue
to share knowledge, views, and opinions with Thai valuers.
Today's Economy
Currently, Thailand continues
to run a significant, and rising, fiscal deficit. Economic recovery is restrained
because structural weaknesses remain. Bad loans continue to undermine banking
profits and corporate growth. However, Thailand is experiencing economic growth.
In 2002 growth is expected to be approximately 2.5%, and Thailand hopes to produce
a balanced budget by 2008.
Thailand has undertaken a wide
range of measures to promote its attempts to restore national and international
confidence, through improvements in governance and increased private sector economic
competitiveness. The government, with the creation of the Thai Asset Management
Corporation, will acquire a significant percentage of the banking system's bad
loans. Although more needs to be done, the government is developing better public
and private sector management polices and is increasing, somewhat, government
openness. There has been growth in exportation, and there have been improvements
in the manufacturing sector. In addition, the baht is stronger, and both the
stock market and international credit ratings have increased.
Recovery has been aided by loans
from the International Monetary Fund, as well as from other sources. The Bank
of Thailand is strengthening both its accountability and transparency. Progress
has been made toward the restructuring of banks and corporations, the resolution
of nonperforming loans, and the reformation of the bankruptcy and foreign-own-ership
Continued long-term growth will
depend on the maintenance of the right macroeconomic framework, the continued
development of financial supervision capacity, and progress in the areas of governance
and competitiveness.
The Future State of Thailand's Valuation Profession
and Recommendations
As Thailand continues its economic
recovery, it appears that valuation regulations will occur. Thai valuers are
accustomed to using models that have already been proved to be successful elsewhere,
and they should continue to do so in the development of any regulatory program.
Of course, excellent models for any regulatory plan may be found in those of
the Appraisal Foundation, with its Appraiser Qualification Board (knowledge,
education, and examination) and its Appraisal Standards Boards (uniform and consistently
enforced valuation standards). According to the Appraisal Foundation's James
Park, the Appraisers Qualifications Board has "direct parallels with issues
that Thailand must also confront."8
There appears to be a need for
a single overreaching control agency with the authority and strength to effectively
monitor the profession. Such a group might be either a self-regulatory one that
could be organized, implemented, and controlled by the professional organizations
(namely Valuation Association and Thai Valuation) or, more probably, might be
instituted by a government agency. The two most appropriate candidates for such
a government agency are the Ministry of Finance, through the Security and Exchange
Commission, or the Ministry of Interior's Department of Land, through its Central
Valuation services.
Finally, to increase the level
of confidence in and validity of the valuation opinions, Thai valuers need far
better access to accurate, reliable, and comprehensive transaction data. To start
this long-range objective, the public and private sectors should both begin to
pool their transaction data.
David Layne is the owner of Layne Consulting Services,
Inc., in Utica New York. He is also vice president of Transportation
Projects with R.K. Hi is & Co., Inc. He is principally involved in
the acquisition of rights of way for local governments and in teaching.
Mr. Layne recently returned from a one-month consulting assignment in
Bangkok Thailand sponsored by the United States Agency for International
Development, the Kenan Institute of Asia, and the Agency
for Real Estate Affairs (one of the largest valuation firms
in Thailand).
1. |
There are two professional valuation groups in Thailand:
the Valuation Association of Thailand and the Thai Valuation
Association. Valuation Association was established in
1986 and has approximately 2,000 members from more than
50 valuation firms. Thai Valuation was established in
1996 and has representatives from approximately 20 firms. |
2. |
Thai Appraisal Foundation, "Standard
Practices for Valuers in Thailand," |
3. |
lbid |
4. |
lbid |
5. |
Lincoln Institute, Thammasat University Graduate Diploma
Course (a joint venture with the University of South
Australia). |
6. |
"[A] recent study conducted by an Australian consultant
to the Central Valuation Authority determined that the
majority of reported prices were the actual transaction
prices." Reported in "Clearing
the Myth from the Valuation Profession in Thailand," Sopon
Pornchokchai, VAT News (Octoberl 2000). |
7. |
Thai valuers have created numerous linkages with other
valuation organizations, including (but not limited to)
the appraisal Foundation, the Appraisal Institute, ASEAN
Valuers Association, China Appraisal Society, the European
Real Estate Society, the Hong Kong Institution of Chartered
Surveyors, the International Valuation Standards Committee,
National Association of Realtors, Pacific Rim Real Estate
Society, Valuers Association of Japan, and Royal Institute
of Chartered Surveyors. |
8. |
James R. Park, "The Appraisal Foundation, Educational
Considerations in Regulating the Valuation Profession," VAT
News (October 2000) |