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International Conferences
       In Thailand, Thai Appraisal and Estate Agents Foundation and Thai Real Estate Business School are among most active real estate - related organizations who organize monthly forums, seminars and training in real estate very frequently. Their events and activities have been welcomed by the public such as real estate industrialists, related professionals, bankers and financiers, local, provincial and central government officers as well as investors, home buyers, and other interested persons.
       These events are considered the continuing professional development (CPD) programs. Those participants at events are acknowledged with the points of participation. Their participation is also considered contribution for professional development which will be beneficial for the participants themselves, the industries and the public who uses professional services at large.
       Each hour of participation is considered 1 CPD point or hour. For example, participation at a month forum (13:00 - 17:00) will receive 4 CPD point. In a case of a one-day seminar, one will earn 6-8 CPD points depending on the duration of the seminar or conference.
       This is an effort to acknowledge professionals who realize the value of the CPD. Professional organizations can requested for detailed participation of its members at our events for accreditation by the consent of the participants. The extensive list of over 39,447 participants are as follows:
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