Mr. Angelo Karantonis
President the Pacific Rim Real Estate Society
Assoc. Prof. of University of Technology, Sydney
2000 Global R.E.
Money will flow more "freely" across borders
based on risk and return.
2000 Australian
Real Estate Market
Australia has been experiencing strong growth since the "property
crash" of the early 1990's. I would expect the market to remain strong in
the Year 2000, particularly with the Olympics.
Innovations in the
21st Century
Probably the internet. Market domes-tically and internationally,
bringing more knowledge or property movements around the world.
To Improve the Thai
R.E. Market
One thing that will help is "more accessible" information
on transactions and an increase in professionalism.
Cautions for Valuers
Need to continue to keep themselves informed through
continual updating and education.
For Thai Property Valuers
Ensure that you know the factors that determine your
supply, demand and become aware of how exogeneous factors can have an impact.
The big "Ups + Downs" of the cycle create one of the biggest problems
for appraisers. When markets fall after an appraisal, everyone wants to turn
to the appraiser! |